For you who really love to eat Bakso especially Cuanki,
maybe already very rare we see cuanki cultivators who sell around, well on this
occasion if you miss the Bakso Cuanki you can visit the city Bandung there is
the origin baso cuanki the first time appear.
Usually Baso Cuanki is equipped with baso, fried tofu, white tofu and also equipped with a siomay and batagor served with a broth of
delicious broth in a bowl. Here is a description the most legendary Cuankiin Bandung.
History of Bakso (Meatball) Cuanki
The history of Baso Cuanki begins with a baso trader looking
for customers on foot, this trader usually takes his wares by the pelvis and
his merchant goes around walking for buyers, but as time goes by the traders
cuanki start trying to open the booth so that the traders do not have to bother
again wandering around looking for buyers.
Well at this time I will explain the Bakso Cuanki the
legendary banget that you must try that is in the city of Bandung, Cuanki
Serayu as the name Cuanki this is in the Jl. Serayu no 2. Cuanki is said to
be legendary because it has been selling since 1990.
Because the recipe cuanki is very legendary and really
delicious that has been derived from previous ancestors, this cuanki meatball
emang pas really get the nickname of the most legendary cuanki with a very
delicious taste.
Because it is so delicious, cuanki serayu is often crowded
with buyers until it is difficult to get a seat.
cuanki serayu di kota bandung mantep banget |
But if you do not want to buy jostling, you can just come to
the branch of cuanki serayu is located on Jl. Mangga.
For you planning a vacation to the city of Bandung, Jawa
Barat do not forget to eat Bakso Cuanki and plan your holiday to feel more
legendary after tasting this most delicious cuanki.
The Most Legendary Cuanki in Bandung City
Selamat mencoba apa yang sudah kami berikan di sini The Most Legendary Cuanki in Bandung City jika kamu merasa kurang cocok dengan apa yang kami berikan kamu bisa liat liat lagi postingan lainnya.Cukup Sekian Pembahasan The Most Legendary Cuanki in Bandung City
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1 komentar
Enak banget kak Makanannya, pengen coba lagi kak.
tapi jauh harus kebandung lagi kak