5 Café dan Restoran Ternyaman di Jakarta Selatan
Toodzhouse |
When you want to find a place that is comfortable and
comfortable to just do the task, group discussion, or hanging out with friends.
Here is where you must visit, in addition to comfortable, the price is also
affordable. Here are 5 cafes and restaurants cozy in South Jakarta.
1. Foodtopia
Foodtopia |
Foodtopia is located in Tebet, South Jakarta. You can find
it easily, because the location is right on the right side of SMPN 115 Jakarta.
The menu is available with the taste of Indonesia, and the price is right for
the student bag. The place is the feel of home and music from the band of
Indonesia. More profitable again here provides free WiFi.
Dreamealk |
Dreamealk is located in Tebet Timur, South Jakarta. This
restaurant provides a variety of dairy products. If you are visiting here, try
the noodles with the milk sauce. Here provides free WiFi facilities and
affordable prices.
3. Join Café Bulungan
Join Café Bulungan |
This restaurant is located in Bulungan, Blok M. This place
is very popular among young Jakarta. Menu of hot coffee is available. With a
populist price and a satisfying taste. Suitable for you who want to hang out.
Toodzhouse |
Toodzhouse is a great place to hang out and have a weekly night
with your partner. The place is located in Fatmawati area. Here also provides
free WiFi. For the menu is very diverse, and the good news here does not tax.
In addition, providing an outdoor smoking area, smoking Indoprix, and also non
5. Kopimamasa Eskobar
Kopimamasa Eskobar |
5 Café and Restaurant Cozy in South Jakarta
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